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E-Contents (Mathematics)

  1. Differential Equations and its classification ( By : Dr. Binay Kumar ) .pdf file
  2. Exact Differential Equations (Integrating factor) ( By : Dr. Binay Kumar ) .pdf file
  3. Successive Differentiation – ( By Poonam Kumari ) .pdf file
  4. Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Series – ( By Poonam Kumari ) .pdf file
  5. Fundamental of Set (Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  6. MOTION IN TWO DIMENSIONS (Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  7. Partial Differentiation (By Poonam Kumari) .pdf file
  8. Euler’s Theorem (By Poonam Kumari) .pdf file
  9. An Introduction to Group (By Dr. Binay Kumar ) .pdf file
  10. Total Differential and Exact Differential (By Poonam Kumari) .pdf file
  11. Notion of Countability of a Set (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  12. Elementary properties of group (By Dr. Binay Kumar ). pdf file
  13. Discussion of motion of Horizontal Elastic String (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  14. Subgroup (By Dr. Binay Kumar ). pdf file
  15. Expression for work done in stretching Horizontal Elastic String (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  16. Orthogonal Matrix and its Properties (By Poonam Kumari) .pdf file
  17. Maximal and Minimal elements of a partially ordered set. (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  18. Evaluation of the Extension of a Heavy Elastic string. (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  19. Automorphism (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  20. Functions of complex Variable (By Dr. Binay Kumar ). pdf file
  21. Elementary Transformations and Elementary Matrices ( By Poonam Kumari ) .pdf file
  22. Problems on complex Variable function ( By Dr. Binay Kumar ) .pdf file
  23. An Introduction to Lattice (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  24. INNER Automorphism (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  25. Numericals on Hooke’s Law (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  26. Some Standard Exemplas of Automorphism (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  27. Elementary properties of Automorphism (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  28. Coset Decomposition (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  29. Cosets of Sub Group (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  30. Properties of coset-final (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  31. Theoram Cosets of Sub Group (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  32. Theoram on Cosets (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  33. Non magnetic use of MHD Equations (1) (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file
  34. solutions of laplaces equation (1) (By Dr. Manoj Kumar) .pdf file