Profile Of Principle MMC
Profile of Principal Magadh Mahila College
DEAN, Faculty of Social Sciences, PU
Email –
Research Experience : More than 20 years
Research Degree : “Rural Development in India: A Critical Study”
Academic Exposure
- Ph. D. Patna University – 1998
- M.A. Patna University – 1st 1976
- B.A. Patna University – 1st 1973
- National Scholarship achiever B.A. and M.A.
- Junior Research Fellow (J.R.F.) 1976-77
Teaching Experience
- Total Teaching Experience: More than 40 Years
- Under-graduate (Pass) : More than 40 Years
- Under-graduate (Hons) : More than 40Years
- Post-graduate : More than 26 Years

Academic Achievements
- Major Threats to Indian Democracy and A Gandhian Remedy
Name Of Publication House : Prowess Publishing ISBN: 978-93-89097-62-7 Year Of Publication : 2019. - Text Book: Rajnitik Samaj Ki Roop Rekha ( Introduction to Political Sociology) Text Book for Political Science and Sociology For B.A. Hons, M.A, UGC NET, Civil Services and Research Work; PHI Learning, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-203-3982-8; February 21,2010
- 2nd Edition of Textbook: ‘Rajneetik Samaj Shastra ki Roop Rekha (Introduction to Political Sociology; For B.A. Hons, M.A, UGC NET, Civil Services and Research Work
PHI Learning, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-203-3982-8, September 2015 - Naxal Movement In Bihar and Jharkhand-A Blood – Stained Journey; Saytam Publication; January 2014, ISSN:978-81-926605-5-4
Major Threats to Indian Democracy and a Gandhian Remedy, written by Dr. Kiran Pramod Tiwary, ISBN : 978-93-89097-62-7, Publishing Year 2019
- Editor of CPE Research Journal ‘JIGYASA’ Vol. II, III, IV
A Peer Reviewed Research Journal for Students of Magadh Mahila College,
ISSN: 2279-9551 - Editor of Multi-disciplinary Research Journal ‘JIGYASA’ Vol. V,
A Peer Reviewed Journal of Educational Research and Innovation
For Teaching Faculty and Research Scholars - Editor of Magadh Mahila College Magazine ‘SRIJAN’
- Editor of ‘HANDBOOK’, Magadh Mahila College
- Editor of ‘SOUVENIR’ published on the occasion of Annual Alumnae Meet.
- Editor of Monthly News Bulletin ‘SELF EXPRESSIDN-EK ABHIVYAKTI’, Published by the Department of Political Science
- Written Testimony of two Religious Books written by Pt. Himanshu Kumar Mishra
Seminar / Workshop- Conducted
- UGC sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on ’State: Protector or Violator of Human Rights’, was held on February 25-26, 2012, on the College premises. The seminar was commenced with Inaugural Session on Saturday, 25th February 2012. The Seminar was inaugurated by Hon’ble Justice K G Balakrishnan, the Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, the former Chief Justice, Supreme Court of India with the lighting of the lamp. Dr. B D Sharma, Model Bureaucrat, the former Commissioner of National SC/ST Commission, the former Vice-Chancellor of NEHU & International Expert on Tribal issues was grace the occasion as Guest of Honour
- UGC sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on ‘Domestic Violence and Atrocities Against Women’ was held on February 20-21, 2010, on the College premises. The seminar was commenced with Inaugural Session on Saturday, 21st February 2010. The Seminar was inaugurated by His Excellency Sri Devanand Konwar, the Governor-cum-Chancellor of Universities of Bihar with the lighting of the lamp. Hon’ble Smt. Neeva Konwar, the First lady of Bihar and Member of National Commission for Women, graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. Key –note Speaker –Dr. Ranjana Kumari Director, Centre for Social Research, New Delhi
- Organized University Sponsored One Day International Seminar on ‘US-India Relations Post-2014 and Possible Trajectories for India-Pakistan Relations’ Key Speaker: Dr. Michael Kugelman, Senior Program Associate, South and Southeast Asia, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Co- Speaker: Ms. Saadia Azim, Cultural Affairs Specialist, Public Affairs, Section of the US Consulate General, Kolkat, in Darbhanga House premises Patna University on November 03, 2014 - Organized several One-Day and Two-Day Seminars / Workshops/ Tanning Programmes, EPIC Making Drive in the college premises during last 39 year of service
- Organized several Academic/ Cultural / Extra Curricular and Recreational Activities in college premises during last 39 years of service
- Attended / Participated and Paper Presented in dozen UGC Sponsored National / International / State level Seminar / Workshop
- Co-curricular Activities: Organized, Participated and Associated several Cultural and Educational Programmes Activities, Awareness lectures, Carrier Counseling Lectures, Community Development Programmes, Programmes for promotion of Indian Culture-Moral Values and Counselling Sessions for Personality Building of Students to make them confident and enlightened citizen and a good human being
- Actively Engaged in Organizing Various Activities – Academic, Cultural, Extracurricular, Recreational, Indoor Sports and Out Reach Programmes for over all personality development of Students
- Students Welfare and Discipline: As the Coordinator of Students’ Counseling Centre and Coordinator of Grievance Redressal Cell always aware and concerned with the issues of students’ welfare and discipline, and actively engaged to sort out the problems of students and promote the mental and physical health of all the students, to improve their quality of life and create a learning environment that facilitates their individual development
Minor Research Project
- Awarded UGC grant for Minor Research Project in 2008 on the titled ’Role of Civil Administration for Protection of Human Right in Naxal Areas ( A Research Study with Particular Reference to the District of Jehanabad) in 2008
Research Publications
- ‘Naxal Menace: Eating into the Vitals of Bihar and Jharkhand’, published in “SATRACHEE” An International Research Journal; Vol. 2015, ISSN:2348 – 8425
- Panchayati Raj System: A Primary Unit of Governance in Grassroots Democracy with
Special Reference to Bihar, published in Local Government Quarterly, A Journal of the
All India Institute of Local Self-Government, October-December2012, Mumbai,Vol. LXXXIV,
No.1, ISSN No: 0024-5623 - ‘Role of District Magistrate Move with the Changing Times’, published in Local Government Quarterly, A Journal of the All India Institute of Local Self-Government
(AIILSG) Mumbai, October-December 2012; Vol: LXXX11, No. 4, ISSN 0024-5623 - ‘BHARTIYA LOKTANTRA KAYATHARTH’ published in ‘Democracies’
A Research Journal of Jagjivan Ram Institute of Parliamentary Studies and Political Research, Department of Education, Govt. of Bihar, 2015 - ‘KASH AURTON KE BHI ACHCHE DIN AATE’ Published in AADHEE AABADEE KA SACH’, a Journal published by Patrakaar Sangh, Patna; December 2014
- ‘Civil Society:A Necessary Corrective for Paticipatory Democracy in India’ published in JIGYASA, A Research Journal of Magadh Mahila College, ISSN 2279 – 0551,2012
- ‘Comments on Dress Code for Women: Infringement of Human Rights’, Published in Abstract Book of UGC Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on ‘ State: Protector or Violator of Human Rights’, organized by the Dept. of Political Science, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, Patna, February 25-26, 2012.
- ‘Microfinance: An Overview’, Published in Abstract Book of UGC Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on ‘Role of Micro Finance In Improving the Socio-Economic Status of Women Members of Self Help Groups’, organized by the Dept. of Political Science, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, Patna, March 16-17, 2012.
- ‘Trafficking of Women and Children: Need to Break Strange Hold’, Published in Patna University Journal of Social Science, Volume I, October 2010
- ‘Trafficking A Heinous Atrocity Against Women’, published in Abstract Book of UGC National Seminar on ‘Domestic Violence and Atrocities Against Women’, organized by the Department of Political Science, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, Patna, February 20-21, 2010
- ‘Constitutional Dimensions of Social Security in India’ published in Abstract Book ofUGC sponsored National Seminar on “Need of Social Security for Women in the Present Scenario in India’, organized by Department of Sociology, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University Patna, March 11-12, 2011
- ‘Socio-Economic Condition of Women Workers in Bihar With Special Reference to Existing Disease,’ published in Abstract Book of UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Social Security for Unorganized Workers in India’ organized by Department of Sociology, Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, Patna, May 14-15, 2008
- ‘An analytical approach over the causative factor for the poor health of Females living in the rural area of Bihta, with particular reference to Socio- Economic Profile’ published in Abstract Book of UGC Sponsored National Two-Day National Seminar on Social Well-Being and Human Development, organized by Department of Geography, B.N.College, Patna University, March 25-26,2006
- Emerging Configuration of Contradiction between Nationalism and Sub-nationalism’, International Conference on Cosmopolitanism and the Nation State, organized by ADRI, Patna on February 22-26, 2001
- ‘Administrative Lesson from Literacy Campaigns in India’, in the National Workshop on ‘Development of Basic Literacy Materials for Unreached Population.’ The workshop had ended with two-day Seminar, organized by Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) Patna, In Collaboration with the Asia Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) During April 8-17, 1999. (Subsequently Published)
Ph.D. Registered / Guided / Awarded
- Mrs. Priti Ojha; The Ideology of Socialism and Secularism in the Indian Constitution; Awarded
- Mr. Manoj Kumar; Vartman parvartit pariprekshya Men Bihar Ke Rajyapal ki Bhumika ka Adhyayan Evam Viseeshan; Awarded
- Mrs. Namita Thakur (M.Phil); Effect of Globlisation on Poverty and Human Development; Awarded
- Mr. Equabal Imam; Kendra Men Gathbandhan ki Rajniti: Bhartiya Sanghwad ka Badlta Aayam- 1977 – 2004; Awarded
- Anil Sharma; Gandhi Darshan ke Rajnitik – Arthik Aayamon ki Prasangikta, Visheshtah Vaishvikaran ke Sandarbh Men.; Awarded
- Namita Thakur; The Role of District Magistrate for Development and Good Governance in the Changing Scenario – A case study of Patna District; Awarded
- Kiran Kumar Jha; Major Threats to Indian Democracy and its Remedies; Awarded
- Supriya Raj; Indo-Pak Relation: A Comparative Study of Vajpayee and Manmohan Period; Awarded
- Sikander Kumar Das; JRF. NET. Qualified; Bhartiya Rajneeti Me Vrastachaar Ke Vividh Aayam: 1990 Se Vartamaan Tak Ka Ek Vislesionparak Adahayan; Awarded
- Santosh Kumar; गठबंधन सरकार का भारतीय राजनीति पर प्रभाव :केंद्र- राज्य संबंध के विशेष संदर्भ में; Working; July 2010
- Pratibha Kumari (NET); भारतीय विदेश नीति के बदलते आयाम –एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन 1990-2010; Working; November 2012
- Richa Gautam (NET/JRF); Assertion of Backward Caste and Coalition Politics in Bihar Since 1990, Submitted, July 2014
- ArtiKumari (NET/JRF); गठ्बंधन सरकार की प्रवृत्तियों एवं प्रभावों का मूल्यांकन : झारखंड के विशेष संदर्भ में (2000-2014); Awarded, July 2014
- Preeshika Raj (PRT); 21वीं सदी में महिलाओं की राजनीतिक सहभागिता ओर सशक्तिकरण के विविध आयाम :एक विशेष अध्ययन बिहार के संदर्भ में; Awarded; July 2015
- Vikash Kumar (NET/JRF); राष्ट्रीय एकीकरण में सांप्रादायिकता एक चुनौती : समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन (1990 से 2015 तक); Submitted; November 2015
- Aahana Vikram (PRT); ‘Status of Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution : An Analytical Study ; Awarded, November 2015
- Rajeev Kumar Ranjan (NET/JRF) M.Phil-2015-BHU; बिहार के दलितों में राजनीतिक चेतना: एक समीक्षात्मक विश्लेषण(2001 से 2015 तक); Awarded; November 2015
- Nodal Officer ofAadhaar Making Drive and Electors Photo Identify Card (EPIC) Making Drive in the college premises
- Coordinator Students Counseling Cell
- Founder Secretary Alumnae Association Magadh Mahila College
- Coordinator, Grievance Redressal Committee (Students, Teachers and Support Staff)
- Coordinator, Anti-Ragging Cell
- Member, Development- cum- Finance Committee
- Member Fine Arts Committee
- President Common Room Society
- President Dramatic Society
- Admission Form Selling In charge, 2000 -03
- President Rajneeti Parishad
Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees
- Member, All India Political Science Congress
- Life member, Indian Society of Labour Economics
- Member, Patna University Teachers Association-
Innovations/Contributions in Teaching:
a) Design of Curriculum;
- After the joining of PG Head revise the Curriculum of Semester System of Post- graduate Course for Academic Session-2014-16 and Under Graduate Course of the Department of Political Science for the Session-2014-17
- Design New Curriculum of Semester System for Post-graduate Course of the Department for Academic Session-2015-17 and Design Curriculum of Under Graduate Course for Academic Session- 2015-18 of the Department of Political Science in the Period of PG Head, Department of Political Science ,Patna University
- Design New Curriculum of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for Post-graduate Department of Political Science for Academic Session- 2016-18 in the Period of PG Head, Department of Political Science, Patna University
b) Teaching Methods:
- Started Behavioural Methodology of Teaching such as- Group Discussion, Seminar, Symposia, Area Studies, Debates. Study Tours. Research Programmes. Outreach Programmes for Social Services
- Introduced Classes of Group Discussions,Seminar,Symposia for B A Part I, Part II, & Part III, Students in 2006 which mentioned in our Departmental Routine and is held every Saturday
c) Evaluation Methods:
- Monitored students periodically through Tutorial Classes, Class Tests, Assignments, Project work and time to time Terminal Examinations
- Organized Parent-Teachers Meet Quarterly for over all development of Students
d) Preparation of Resource Material: Provide resource materials books and reading materials to students according to their needs
e) Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling:
- It’s our proud privilege that faculty members of our Department are running Remedial Coaching at Undergraduate Level for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBC, and Minority Community students on behalf of the College under UGC Scheme, since December.2010.
- The Students’ Counseling Centre has been started and running successfully since September 10, 2010, for all the students of the College
f) Any Other: Started publication of Monthly News Bulletin ‘SELF EXPRESSIDN-EK ABHIVYAKTI’ pertaining to the students’ guidelines regarding writing skill and over all personality development
Extension Work/ Community Service
- Actively engaged in Community Services in association with a renowned NGO- ‘LOK SHIKSHA SANSTHAN Mzaffarpur Registration No -527|83-84. The services which has been given by the said NGO is Health Awareness Programmes, Adult Education Programmes, Nutrition Awareness Programmes for Women and Children. The NGO has also running PALNA GHAR for those 0 to 6 year old children whose mothers are working as Land Laborers in the concerned village.
- Community work such as values of National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc.
- Always doing community work in association with the aforesaid NGO for Flood Relief ,drought relief and doing Counseling Programmes for concerned village women and land labourers for saving family norms related to Interpersonal Issues, Relationship Issues ,Physical-Mental -Health issues, Nutritional Issues etc.
- Always imparting education to the students about the socio-political values of diversity of culture, importance of Social& Moral values, secularism & values of national integration of our Country
National Literacy Mission
- Organizing Adult Education Programmes for the women of Vaishali Navada and Jaitpur ,village,Dstrict of Muzaffarpur in association with aforementioned NGO at Samudaik Bhawan Navada,Muzaffarpur.
- Associated with aforementioned activities several literacy programmes has been organized by me regarding promotion of educational values and Indian culture- values
Professor (Dr) .Shashi Sharma
University Professor
Department of Political Science
Magadh Mahila College
Patna University, Patna
Summary of Academic and Administrative Profile
Sl. No. | Posts Head |
1 | Head Department of Political Science, Patna University, Patna |
2 | Member Senate |
3 | Member Academic Council, PU |
4 | Member PG Research Council |
5 | Chairperson PG & UG Board of Moderators, Patna University, Patna |
6 | Member UG & PG Board of Moderators |
7 | Member Academic Council, Nalanda Open University, Patna |
8 | Member Syndicate |
9 | Member, Committee for Recruitment on Compassionate Ground, PU |
10 | Member, Study Leave Committee, PU |
11 | Member, Discipline Committee (for Teachers, Officers and other Staff of the University, PU. |
12 | Member, Sports Committee, PU. |
13 | Founder Secretary, Alumnae Association, Magadh Mahila College |
14 | Member Finance Committee, MMC |
15 | Founder Coordinator of Students’ Counselling Centre, MMC |
16 | President, RajneetiParishad, MMC June 2014- August 2014 |
17 | President, Common Room Society, MMC |
18 | Member Fine Arts Committee, MMC |