E-Contents (History)
- The Mauryan Age ( 322BC-184BC ) Bhawana singh ( .pdf file )
- NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION – Paper IV ( By : Dr. Deepti Tiwari ) .pdf file
- Subhas Chandra Bose and His Contribution in Indian Freedom Struggle – Paper VII ( By : Dr. Deepti Tiwari ) .pdf file
- The Career and Achievements of Louis XIV ( By : Prof. (Dr.) Surendra Kumar ) .pdf file
- Domestic Reforms of Peter the Great ( By : Prof. (Dr.) Surendra Kumar ) .pdf file
- The Significance of the American Revolution in World History (By Prof. (Dr.) Surendra Kumar) .pdf file
- Causes of the American War of Independence (By Prof. (Dr.) Surendra Kumar) .pdf file
- The factors Responsible for transition from Feudalism to Capitalism (By Prof. (Dr.) Surendra Kumar) .pdf file
- Origin of Indian National Congress (By Dr Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- The Freedom Struggle in princely States (By Dr Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- Government of India Act 1935 (By Dr. Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- July Revolution of 1830 (By Dr. Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- Mansabdari System of Akbar (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- Muhommad Bin Tughlaq (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- Sources of Indian History (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- Bhakti Movement in the South (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- The Career and Achievements of Louis XIV (By Dr. Amit Raj) .pdf file
- The Significance of the American Revolution in World History (By Dr. Amit Raj) .pdf file
- Causes of the American War of Independence (By Dr. Amit Raj) .pdf file
- Domestic Reforms of Peter the Great (By Dr. Amit Raj) .pdf file
- The factors Responsible for Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism (By Dr. Amit Raj) .pdf file
- Causes of the Russian Revolution (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- Military Expeditions of Akbar (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- Military Expeditions of Humayun (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- Samudragupta(350-375A.D) (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- Sufism (By Bhawana Singh) .pdf file
- The Revolution of 1848 (By Dr. Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- The Age of Metternich, 1815–48 (By Dr. Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- The Eastern Question (up to the War of Greek Independence) (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- Causes of Geographical Discoveries ( By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- The Rise of Napoleon and his reforms ( By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- The Era of Metternich ( By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- Effects and Significance of the geographical discoveries (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- Economic and cultural transition of early medieval india (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Phase of Transition (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- sources of sultanate period (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Rise of Communalism-converted (By Dr. Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- Swaraj Party-converted (By Dr. Deepti Tiwari) .pdf file
- Sources of Mughal Empire (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Political History of Pallavas with special reference to Mahendravarman (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Salient features of Enlightenment (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- Impact of the Industrial revolution (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- Cause for the Rise of Mercantilism (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- The nature of the Reformation (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- The Congress of Vienna – 1814-15 (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- Narsimhavarman-I (630-668A.D) (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Criticism of the Treaty of Vienna (By Dr. Amit Raj ) .pdf file
- Different Styles of Temple Architecture of Pallavas (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Establishment of Delhi Sultanate with special reference to Iltutmish (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- RISE OF MODERN WEST B.A-I , Paper – IV, Unit -5 (Dr. Amit Raj) .pdf
- Expeditions and Reforms of Iltutmish (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Criticism of the Treaty of Versailles (Dr. Amit Raj) .pdf
- Ghiyasuddin Balban (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Administrative reforms of Allauddin Khilji (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Market policy of Allauddin Khilji (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- The Vardhana Dynasty (Harshavardhana) (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Expeditions of Allauddin Khilji (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
- Extent of Harshavardhana’s empire (By Bhawana Singh).pdf file
Important of Geographical Discoveries.pdf file
The Causes of Reformation.pdf file
Nature of the Reformation unit – 5.pdf file
Economics Effe of Renissence.pdf file
Intellectutal impact of Reneissance.pdf file