Student Societies
Student Societies
Athletic Society, Students’ Central Society, Sahodara Society and societies of various departments organize and encourage students’ participation in academic, co-curricular, extracurricular and extension activities. Our students have excelled in various sports and cultural events apart from outstanding academic achievements in the last years. Extracurricular activities are made an integral part of the students’ profile as the College is committed to its vision of promoting holistic development. The Principal together with the heads of departments holds monthly meetings with class representatives to discuss and plan the forthcoming extracurricular activities of the Institution. Efforts are made to see that most extracurricular activities are student centric to involve the students at all levels, that is from conception of the programme /activity to organization to execution and participation.
The Students’ Central Society an elected body of students’ representatives is an integral part of college administration. It is also known as Students’ Cabinet. Election for different posts like, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Cultural Secretary, Sports Secretary, Sanitation Secretary, Science and IT-Secretary, Green Earth Brigade Secretary, Environment Secretary and Treasurer is held every year in the month of January. Students of all programs of B. A /B.Sc. and B. Com/ BBA/ BCA/ BSW Part I and Part II are its voters. Elected members look after the various fields such as Discipline, Sanitation, Environment, Cultural, Sports/ Science and IT activities and contribute to the smooth functioning of the system by their coordination and efficient work culture. It is a prestigious opportunity given to students to create an atmosphere of harmony and coordination in the day-to-day multi-dimensional growth and performance of the college. Students’ Central Society organizes a number of academic and extracurricular activities throughout the academic session.
Sahodara Society : The MMChas liberty to be proud of having first introducing ‘House System’ in college in Bihar, by the name ‘Sahodara-The Daughter of Same Mother’ which coordinates with Students’ Central Society to organize various competitions at different level. There are four houses: Jagriti, Maitri, Pragati and Samriddhi. The House Captains/ Vice Captains are coordinate with Students’ Central Society. All competitions are held in the college under the umbrella of these Houses. The winners get points according to their positions and performances. At the end of the year, the points are calculated and the house with maximum points is declared the winner for the year.
The Sahodara Society provides a platform to nurture and create the talent for future. The society streamlining various activities to be taken up and giving space to students to develop all aspects of their growth and learning. The House System provides opportunities for college students to develop all aspects of their growth and learning: personality, morality, creativity, knowledge and skills. The society promotes values of cultural heritage of India- ‘Unity in diversity andVasudhaiv Kutumbkam’, it promotes teamwork, nationalism, mutualism, self-discipline, self-overnance,initiative, perseverance, resilience among students. Participation in House activities contributes to dedicationand excellence in academic, social, sporting and cultural fields and building team work and cohesiveness among the students. :
- Platform to showcase their talent through various activities
- Enhancing administrative qualities
- Developing sense of healthy competitiveness
- Enhancing discipline in the college through students
- Promoting the Indian culture, moral values and humanity among students
- Personality development programmes
- Sports activities and Cultural programmes on regular basis and annual fest
- Various social work to help women, children and senior citizens
- Enhancing cleanliness and sanitation through house volunteers
- Represent college, at state and national level
- Increase level of awareness about various Government programmes and International issues of concern, to make students ready for better jobs/roles
composition of Athletic Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation / Department |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
2 | Dr. Shyam Deo Yadav | Bursar, Coordinator B. Com Dept. of Chemistry |
3 | Dr. Surendra Kr. Prasad Coordinator BBA | President, Coordinator BBA Dept. of Botany |
4 | Dr. Pushpanjali Khare HoD, Botany | Vice- President |
5 | Dr. Kiran Mala HoD, Sanskrit | Vice -President |
6 | Dr. Archana Katiyar HoD, Psychology | Vice- President |
7 | Dr. Aruna Choudhary HoD, Maithili | Vice- President |
8 | Dr. Telani Meena Horo HoD, Political Science | Vice- President |
9 | Dr. Madhu Kumari Gupta Dept. of Chemistry | Vice President |
10 | Ms. Namrata Dept. of Psychology | Vice-President |
11 | Dr. Md. Ziaul Hassan HoD, Philosophy | Vice President |
12 | Ms. Ranjana Yadav Dept. of Philosophy | Vice President |
13 | Dr. Binay Kumar Dept. of Mathematics | Vice President |
14. | Dr. Sujata Kumari Dept. of Zoology | Vice- President |
15 | Dr. Sohail Anwer Dept. of Urdu | Vice-President |
16 | Mr. Abhishek Kumar | PTI, MMC |
17 | Ms. Archita Kumari, Roll- BBA Hons – Part II | Sports Secretary Students’ Representative |
18 | Ms. Saloni, Roll- Psychology Hons- Part I | Asst. Sports Secretary Students’ Representative |
The composition of BBA, B.COM & BCA Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
2 | Dr. Shyam Deo Yadav | Bursar / Coordinator |
3 | Dr. Pushpa Sinha | HoD, Economics |
4 | Dr. Surendra Kumar Prasad | Coordinator, BBA |
5 | Dr. Sweta Sharan | Dept. of Economics Convener |
6 | Dr. Binay Kumar | Coordinator, BCA |
7 | Secretary BBA Hons Part III | Ex-officio Member |
8 | Asst. Secretary BBA Hons Part II | Ex-of Member |
9 | Secretary B. Com Hons Part III | Ex-officio Member |
10 | Asst. Secretary B. Com Hons Part II | Ex-officio Member |
11 | Secretary BCA Hons Part III | Ex-officio Member |
12 | Asst. Secretary BCA Hons Part II | Ex-officio Member |
13 | Ms. Aparna Shree | Librarian BBA |
14 | Ms. Rashmi Kumari | Librarian, B.Com. |
The composition of Literary Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
2 | Dr. Archana Jaisawal | HoD, English |
3 | Dr. Santoshi Bhawani Mishra | Asst. Professor, English |
4 | Dr. Khushboo | Asst. Professor, English |
5 | Dr Kumari Aruna | HoD, Hindi |
6 | Dr. Shipra Prabha | Asst. Professor, Hindi Convener |
7 | Dr Shaheda Khanam | HoD, Persian |
8 | Dr. Aruna Choudhary | HoD, Maithili |
9 | Dr. Kiran Mala | HoD, Sanskrit |
10 | Dr. Suraj Deo Singh | HoD, Urdu |
11 | Dr. SohailAnwer | Asst. Professor, Urdu |
12 | Secretary English Hons Part III | Ex-officio Member Students’ Representative |
13 | Asst. Secretary English Hons Part II | Ex-officio Member Students’ Representative |
14 | Secretary Hindi Hons Part III | Ex-officio Member, Students’ Representative |
15 | Asst. Secretary Hindi Hons Part II | Ex-officio Member, Students’ Representative |
16 | Secretary Sanskrit Hons Part II | Ex-officio Member, Students’ Representative |
17 | Secretary Persian Part II | Ex-officio Member, Students’ Representative |
18 | Secretary Maithili Part II | Ex-officio Member, Students’ Representative |
The composition of Social Science Societyfor Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
2 | Dr. Pushpa Sinha | HoD, Economics |
3 | Dr. Sweta Sharan | Asst. Professor, Economics |
4 | Dr. Pushpalata Kumari | HoD, Political Science |
5 | Dr. Telani Meena Horo | Associate Professor, P |
6 | Dr. Rishu Raj | Asst. Professor, Political Science |
7 | Dr. Binay Kumar Bimal | HoD, Sociology |
8 | Dr. Punam Kumari | HoD, Home Science |
The composition of Hindi Sahitya Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
2 | Dr. Kumari Aruna | Associate Professor HoD, Hindi |
3 | Dr. Shipra Prabha | Assistant Professor Dept. of Hindi |
4 | Dr. Asha Kumari | Assistant Professor Guest Faculty, Hindi |
5 | Dr. Chandrawati Singh (Retd.) | Retd. Professor Dept. of Hindi |
6 | Dr. InduMouar (Retd.) | Retd. Professor Dept. of Hindi |
7 | Ms. Aakansha Raj | BA Hindi Hons, Part III |
8 | Ms. Sikha Kumai, Roll-06 | BA Hindi Hons, Part III |
9 | Ms. Pragya Kiran, Roll-09 | BA Hindi Hons, Part III |
10 | Ms. Mitali, Roll-11 | BA Hindi Hons, Part II |
11 | Ms. Nidhi Kumari, Roll-14 | BA Hindi Hons, Part II |
12 | Ms. Pammy Gupta, Roll-15 | BA Hindi Hons, Part II |
(Mukti Rangmanch)
The composition of Fine Arts Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
01 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari, Principal | Patron-cum Founder |
02 | Padamshree Dr. Usha Kiran Khan, Alumna | Distinguish Member |
03 | Dr. Shankar Ashish Dutt Ex. PG Head, English, PU | Distinguish Member |
04 | Dr. Shefali Roy, PG Head Political Science, PU | Distinguish Member |
05 | Dr. RatnaPurkayastha, Alumna, Doordarshan, Chennai | Distinguish Member |
06 | Mr. Tanveer Akhtar, IPTA | Distinguish Member |
07 | Ms. Aparna Jamuar, Alumna, Principal, Tender Heart School | Distinguish Member |
08 | Dr. Anjana Jha, Alumna Dancer IBM, Govt. of India | Distinguish Member |
09 | Dr. Aruna Chaudhary HoD, Maithili | Member |
10 | Dr. Kiran Mala HoD, Sanskrit | Member |
11 | Dr. Neera Chaudhury HoD, Music | Member |
12 | Dr. Arvind Kumar Dept. of Music | Convener |
13 | Dr. Khushboo Dept. of English | Member |
14 | Dr. Md. Ziaul Hasan HoD, Philosophy | Member |
15 | Dr. Rishu Raj Dept. of Political Science | Member |
16 | Dr. Sohail Anwer Dept. of Urdu | Member |
17 | Ms. Kumari Abhilasha Music (Adhoc) | Member |
18 | Ms. Soumya Nandani Sociology Hons -Part II | Cultural Secretary Students’ Representative |
19 | Ms. Kriti Priyam B.Com. Hons -Part I | Asst. Cultural Secretary Students’ Representative |
The composition of History and Political Science Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
2 | Dr. Telani Meena Horo | HoD, Political Science, President |
3 | Dr. Pushpalata Kumari | Associate Professor, Pol. Sc. |
4 | Dr. Rishu Raj | Asst. Professor, Political Science |
5 | Dr. Lila Sinha (Retd) | Retd. Professor, Political Science |
6 | Mr. Vikas Kumar | Research Scholar, Political Science |
7 | Dr. Dipti Tiwai | Asst. Professor, History |
8 | Dr. Bhawana Singh | Guest Faculty, History |
9 | Dr. Amit Raj | Guest Faculty, History |
10 | Dr. Abha | Adhoc Faculty, History |
11 | Ms. Kalpana Kumari, Roll-, 418 | BAHistory Hons, Part III Secretary |
12 | Ms. Mansi Jha, Roll-216 | BAHistory Hons, Part II Asst. Secretary |
13 | Ms. ShadiyaAlam, Roll-180 | BAPolitical Science Hons, Part III Secretary |
14 | Ms. Shalini Roy, Roll-450 | BAPolitical Science Hons, Part II Asst. Secretary |
The composition of Urdu Adabi Forum for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
2 | Dr. Suraj Deo Singh | HoD, Urdu Assistant Professor |
3 | Dr Md. Ziaul Hassan | HoD, Philosophy Assistant Professor |
4 | Dr. Sohail Anwer | Dept. of Urdu Assistant Professor |
5 | Dr. Zameer Raza | Dept. of Urdu Adhoc Faculty |
6 | Ms. Simran Hassan Rizvi | Dept. of Urdu Adhoc Faculty |
7 | Ms. Khushboo Hassan Razvi | Dept. of Urdu Adhoc Faculty |
8 | Ms. Huma Ghazala, Roll-23 | BA Urdu Hons, Part III Secretary |
9 | Ms. Ayesha Khanam, Roll-90 | BA Urdu Hons, Part II Asst. Secretary |

The composition of Sahodara Society for Academic Session2020-21 is as follows :
SL. No. | NAME | Designation / Department |
1. | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal President |
2. | Dr. Archana Jaiswal | Convener Hod, English |
Sl. No. | Name | Designation / Department |
1. | Ms. Nidhi Singh | House Convener Dept. of Psychology |
2. | Ms. Ranjana Yadav | Member Dept. of Philosophy |
3. | Ms. Sonu Rani | Member HoD, Statistics |
4. | Dr. Rajni Pandey | Member Home Science |
5. | Ms. Yadavi Kiran, Roll- B.Com. Hons -Part II | House Captain Students’ Representative |
6. | Ms. Rishita Raj, Roll- BBA Hons -Part I | House Vice-Captain Students’ Representative |
Sl. No. | Name | Designation / Department |
1. | Ms. Namrata | House Convener Dept. of Psychology |
2. | Dr. Sweta Sharan | Member Dept. of Economics |
3. | Dr. Shipra Prabha | Member Dept. of Hindi, |
4. | Dr. Dipti Tiwari | Member, Dept. of History |
5. | Ms. Siddhi, Roll- B.Com. Hons–Part II | House Captain Students’ Representative |
6. | Ms. Shambhavi Sachi, Roll- Political Science Hons-Part I | House Vice-Captain Students’ Representative |
Sl. No. | Name | Designation / Department |
1. | Dr. Khushboo | House Convener Dept. of English |
2. | Dr. Santoshi Bhawani Mishra | Member Dept. of English |
3. | Dr. Suchita Arpan | Member Dept. of Philosophy |
4. | Dr. Sujata Kumari | Member Dept. of Zoology |
5. | Ms. Nisha Kumari Ray. Roll- Psychology Hons- Part II | House Captain Students’ Representative |
6. | Ms. Pallavi Kumari, Roll- BA Part I | House Vice-Captain Students’ Representative |
Sl. No. | Name | Designation / Department |
1. | Dr. Kumari Rupam | House Convener Dept. of Home Science |
2. | Dr. Madhu Kr. Gupta | Member Dept. of Chemistry |
3. | Dr. Rishu Raj | Member Dept. of Political Science |
4. | Dr. Bhawana Singh | Member Dept. of History (Guest Faculty) |
5. | Ms. Sonali Bhatt, Roll- BBA Hons-Part II | House Captain Students’ Representative |
6. | Ms. Dimpi Kumari, Roll- B.Com. Hons-Part I | House Vice-Captain Students’ Representative |
The composition of Students’ Central Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation/ Department |
1 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal / President |
2 | Dr. Shyam Deo Yadav | Bursar, Dept. of Chemistry Coordinator B.Com. |
3 | Dr Aruna Choudhary | Convener HoD, Maithili |
4 | Dr. Kiran Mala | Vice President HoD, Sanskrit |
5 | Dr. Pushpanjali Khare | Vice President HoD, Botany |
6 | Dr Khushboo | Vice President Dept. of English |
7 | Dr. Sweta Sharan | Vice President Dept. of Economics |
8 | Ms. Nidhi Singh | Vice President Dept. of Psychology |
9 | Dr.Shpra Prabha | Member Dept. of Hindi |
10 | Dr. Dipti Tiwari | Member Dept. of History |
11 | Dr. Sohail Anwer | Member Dept. of Urdu |
12 | Ms.Rashmi Pandey, Roll- BCA Hons -Part II | General Secretary Students’ Central Society |
13 | Ms. Shipra Saloni, Roll- Psychology Hons – Part I | Asst. General Secretary Students’ Central Society |
14 | Ms. Harshita Singh, Roll- B.Com. Hons-Part II | Treasurer Students’ Central Society |
15 | Ms. Nida Safir, Roll- BBA Hons -Part II | Environmental & Natural Resources Secretary |
16 | Ms. Kriti Singh, Roll- B.Com. Hons-Part I | Asst. Environmental & Natural Resources Secretary |
17 | Ms. Kumari Srishti, Roll- B.Com. Hons -Part II | Sanitation Secretary Students; Central Society |
18 | Ms. Soumya, Roll- BCA Hons – Part I | Asst. Sanitation Secretary Students’ Central Society |
19. | Ms. Soumya Nandani, Roll- Sociology Hons -Part II | Cultural Secretary Students’ Central Society |
20. | Ms. Kajal Kumari, Roll- History Hons – Part I | Asst. Cultural Secretary Students’ Central Society |
21. | Ms. Siddhi, Roll- Psychology Hons -Part II | Common Room,Secretary Students’ Central Society |
22 | Ms. Kriti Priyam, Roll- B.Com. Hons -Part I | Asst. Common Room Secretary Students’ Central Society |
23 | Ms. Rimjhim, Roll- Statistics Hons- B.Sc. Part II | Science & IT Secretary Students’ Central Society |
24 | Ms. Farkhunda Hassan, Roll- BCA Hons – Part I | Asst. Science & IT Secretary Students’ Central Society |
25. | Ms. Archita Kumari, Roll- BBA Hons – Part II | Sports Secretary Students’ Central Society |
26. | Ms. Saloni, Roll- Psychology Hons – Part I | Asst. Sports Secretary Students’ Central Society |
The composition of Students’ Common Room Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. | Name | Designation / Department |
01 | Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Principal |
02 | Dr. Shyam Deo Yadav | Bursar Dept. of Chemistry |
03 | Dr. Shaheda Khanam | President HoD, Persian |
04 | Dr. Arvind Kumar | Vice- President Dept. of Music |
05 | Ms. Sonu Rani | Vice President HoD, Statistics |
06 | Ms. Ranjana Yadav | Vice- President Dept. of Philosophy |
07 | Ms. Suchita Arpan | Vice- President Dept. of Philosophy |
08 | Ms. Namrata | Vice President Dept. of Psychology |
09 | Dr. Rajani Pandey | Vice- President Dept. of Home Science |
10 | Dr Shipra Prabha | Vice President Dept. of Hindi |
11 | Dr. Sohail Anwer | Vice- President Dept. of Urdu |
12 | Ms. Kumari Abhilasha | Vice- President Dept. of Music (Adhoc) |
13 | Ms. Siddhi, Roll- Psychology Hons -Part II | Common Room Secretary Students’ Representative |
14 | Ms. Kriti Pryam, Roll- B.Com. Hons – Part I | Asst. Common Room Secretary, Students’ Representative |
The composition of Science & IT Society for Session 2020-21 is as follows :
Sl. No. |
Name | Department / Designation |
1. |
Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari | Chairperson |
2. |
Dr. Manish Verma | Coordinator IT Cell Head, Dept. of Physics Coordinator-PGDCA Course |
3. |
Dr. Binay Kumar | Member Assistant Professor, Math Coordinator, BCA |
4. |
Dr. Namrata | Member Assistant Professor, Psychology |
5. |
Dr. Madhu Kumari Gupta | Member Assistant Professor, Chemistry |
6 |
Dr. Shipra Prabha | Member Assistant Professor, Hindi |
7 |
Dr. Sweta Sharan | Member, Asst. Professor, Economics Coordinator – Incubation Centre |
8 |
Mr. Ravi Prakash | Head Assistant/ IT in-charge BCA (NIT, Patna) MCA & M-Tech (IT) |
9 |
Mr. Som Shekhar | Technical IT- Assistant MCA, PGDCA, Hardware & Networking, (Outsourcing Staff) |
10 |
Mars. Sajda Khatoon | IT- Assistant DCA & PGDCA (Outsourcing Staff) |
11 |
Mr. Ram Kumar | IT- Assistant, DCA (Outsourcing Staff) |
12 |
Mr. Ashutosh Kumar | Guest Member MD, Aviweb Technologies Caretaker MMC Website |
13 |
Mr. G S Nirala Mr. Amitesh | Guest Member MD, Maurya IT Solutions, Patna Caretaker -MMC MIS & Internet Facility on the Campus |
14 |
Mr. Shubham | Support Staff Maurya IT Solutions, Patna |