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Alumnae Meet 2019

Alumnae Meet 2019

Dear Alumnae

Back in the days, you used to sit in the class or anywhere on the campus and dream of a future where success and prosperity would be yours. We hope you have achieved your dreams. But now is the time to sit back and think of the times gone by. Let’s get together to reminisce old times, walk down the memory lane, talk about the future and to share the stories of success with us.

On behalf of Magadh Mahila College family, I feel extremely delighted, privileged and honoured to invite you all to attend the 16thALUMNAE MEET on 20th Nov, 2019. We would certainly want your continued and valued association with Your Esteemed Mother Institution.

Kindly confirm your participation and send the details on your college email : Please note the Event details:

  • Date :  Nov 20, 2018
  • Time :  11.00.AM – 3.00.PM (Registration at Venue 10.00 AM – 11.30 AM)
  • Venue :  College Central Stage
  • Dress Code  :  Preferably Green  

Please do not forget the event and must communicate it to your batch-mates and others. We hope this gala occasion will bring to you a memorable experience to cherish.

Anticipating positive and enthusiastic response from you…

Prof. (Dr.) Namita Kumari, Principal
Alumna of Magadh Mahila College